It is in no way fair, though, and will condemn every duck for even having a drop of quacker blood. Get rid of all current and possible bullies: This seems like the final solution.Despite what all of the surgeons think, the knife is not the cure. (I have asked, and none of the hens have been able to explain it.) As soon as the main bully is no longer in the picture, one of the smaller ducks takes over and becomes the bully. Ducks seem to have some sort of “pecking order” that not even chickens understand. A machete: This is the permanent solution but not as good as I had imagined.(I have heard that some dog owners do that, though.) Ducks like each other's company. I guess if I could pen each duck individually, the problem would be reduced, but that would be cruel and inhumane.

within 450 meters of land on a registered plan of subdivision once an application for a building permit has been received by the City of Ottawa or.

on land on a registered plan of subdivision once an application for a building permit has been received by the City of Ottawa.within 450 meters of any place of worship, public hall or school property.the forestry lands formerly managed by the Ministry of Natural Resources described in By-law No.2001-439 of the City of Ottawa, school property, recreational areas, but not including, on, over or across any public land within the City of Ottawa including parks, conservation areas, forestry lands formerly managed by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and described in By-law No.on, over or across any highway or portion thereof.In the areas that are not shaded on any of the maps attached as Schedules "A" to "P" inclusive or that are not navigable water as described in subsection 3(1), no person shall discharge a firearm, No person shall discharge a firearm in any area that is shown as a shaded area on any of the maps attached as Schedules "A" to "P" inclusive or on any navigable water located within or adjacent to the shaded areas.ĭespite subsection (1), a person may discharge a long-bow or cross-bow in the hatched area within the shaded area on Schedule "E".